Being able to recognize the first signs of endometriosis is imperative, as getting an early diagnosis can help reduce risks, discomfort, and serious complications further down the line, such as infertility. Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue from the lining of the uterus detaches and grows in areas outside of the uterus. This condition affects an estimated 11 percent of girls and women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the U.S. 

Learning more about the various signs, symptoms and endometriosis stages is imperative when deciding to seek the right care.

Stages And Symptoms

There are 4 endometriosis stages that typically begin occurring during adolescence after girls first begin menstruating. The initial signs of endometriosis can be unpredictable, so it can be different for every girl or woman.

Onset of Endometriosis

This condition doesn’t necessarily start off with mild symptoms that gradually get worse. In fact, some girls and women can have a mild case that causes severe symptoms, while others find out that they have more advanced or serious cases with few or no symptoms.

Doctors classify endometriosis based on certain factors, such as where tissue growth occurs and how much of it there is. An endometriosis diagnosis can range from stage 1 (minimal) to stage 4 (severe), which helps determine treatment options. Keep in mind that the first signs of endometriosis at any stage can vary widely, but might include any of the following types of symptoms.

Pain Symptoms

Pelvic pain is among the more common first signs of endometriosis. This discomfort can occur as endometrial tissue grows and thickens in the pelvis. Pelvic pain might become worse than usual before and during menstrual periods or only occur during periods. This type of discomfort can also occur during or after intercourse. Pain from endometriosis can also occur in the abdomen and lower back.

Menstrual Symptoms

Endometriosis sometimes begins to occur with changes during menstrual cycles. Some girls and women might begin having severe cramping during their period or a heavier flow than usual. In some cases, endometriosis can also cause periods to last longer or cause bleeding that occurs between periods. First signs of endometriosis might also include painful urination with increased PMS symptoms, during menstruation, and even after.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Endometriosis can cause problems with the digestive system, resulting in mild to severe gastrointestinal symptoms. These can include nausea with or without vomiting that might occur at any time or only during periods. Some girls and women might experience painful bowel movements, constipation, bloating or diarrhea, especially during periods. The condition can even lead to complications from the disease causing what’s known as a frozen pelvis.

Endogen: An All Natural Remedy For Endometriosis

Endogen is a revolutionary solution that consists of a remedy for endometriosis within its protocol. The 3 part protocol was developed to address the biophysical, psycho-neuro and bio-chemical facets of individuals. It has vegetable based capsules that are made using all organic ingredients that support self healing within the body by identifying and treating the root causes of the disease opposed to merely suppressing symptoms. This permits for the ultimate healing.

We offer the total endogen package complete with medicine composed of essential oils for endometriosis and the best herbal remedy for endometriosis treatment.

If you have been experiencing pelvic pain or any other symptoms of endometriosis, especially if you have risk factors for this condition, you should see your doctor. This helps ensure that you get an early diagnosis and can begin looking into treatment options to manage your symptoms.

For more information, please visit our complete Endometriosis Guide.